Egyptian Gods Support Marathon

This is the outstanding program to achieve greater results

The goals-oriented coaching Marathon includes

  • 5 days of professional support from the Professionals in Coaching & Temple Therapy
  • 5-days temple energy work with the archetypes of Planets and Ancient Gods to activate you unconscious potential, burst more ideas and energy for more achievements
  • One personal session of consulting and investigating your goal through system constellations.
  • Artifacts and amulets charging to keep you focused.

COSTS (Investment):

  • Group Work (4-7person): 250 usd (5 group sessions+personal session free)
    - Personal Sessions: 450 usd (6 personal sessions)

This is Marathon of Goals Activation.
It is dealing with the Powers of Ancient Egyptian Gods.

We will work with channels
- Monday - MAAT & Thot - perfection of order, justice. Clarity of understanding.
- Tuesday - Horus fast achievement of the goal, activation of the process.
- Wednesdy - ISIS - search for non-trivial solutions
- Thursday Hathor: activation of personal potential for accomplishments.
- Friday - Min & Tefnut. internal energy, force of nature, recuperation.
- Satuday - Osiris - Healing and resurection. Removing unnecessary barriers
- Sunday - Amun Ra: EmpowermentCourse duration: 2 months.

The Osiris channel draws out from the ordinary,
purifies, gives a new height and understanding, removes stupor and gives enthusiasm for moving forward.
Egyptian Channels give new ideas.

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