Knights Orders & Mystic Christianity
San Jose, the largest Spanish monastery in San Antonio.
Here you can feel what it means to be in Faith. Totally. Not to feel faith in oneself, but to be entirely in the egregore of the Catholic Church.
Only in this way miracles happen.
That is how the transformation of the mentality of the Indians into Christians will happen.
Here you can take the highest spiritual transformational states.
Write to anyone who is interested in exploring the egregore of the catalytic faith, siddhi and valor that have been accumulated in the egregore of the millennium.
Skills of Christian healing, communion, repentance and absolution.
Christianity is a technology of spiritual growth and deep transformation. This is an amazing system regarding the depth and magnitude of the impacts that can be exerted.
Make a mark who feels a resonance with this topic is an impulse to its study.)
Сан Хосе, самый большой испанский монастырь в Сан Антонио.
Здесь можно почувствовать, что значит быть в Вере. Всецело. Не ощущать веру в себе, а целиком самому находиться в эгрегоре Католичества.
Только так совершаются чудеса.
Именно так происхолит трансформация ментальности индейцев в христиан.
Здесь можно взять высочайшие духовные трансформационные состояния.
Пишите, кому интересно поисследовать эгрегор каталической веры, сиддхи и доблести, которые нарабатывались в эгрегоре ща тысячелетия.
Навыки христианского целительства, причастия, покаяния и отпущения грехов.
Христианство - это технология духовного роста и глубинной трансформации. Это потрясающая система относительно глубины и масштабности воздействий, которые можно оказывать.
Маякуйте, кто чувствует резонанс с этой темой импульс к ее исследованию.)
- TRIAL Dreams Alive HypnoTherapy Session Yin & Yan
- Program 1. Working with stresses and traumas *Hypno Regressions)
- Program 2. Personal Development (Emotional-Visual Therapy)
- Program 3. Soft empowering and stress-release (Dreams Alive Therapy)
- Trial - Hypno Diagnostics
- Article. Dreams Alive therapy and Family Constellations. The power of unconscious.
- Review: What is the differecne between theuropeutic programs.
- 1. Master of Runic Reiki Yggdrasil
- Runic Reiki Yggdrasil. Brief Overview
- Runic Reiki. Detailed Overview.
- Runic Reiki Yggdrasil. Level 1.
- Runic Reiki Yggdrasil. Level 2.
- Runic Reiki Yggdrasil. Level 3.
- Runic Reiki Yggdrasil. Level 4.
- Runic Reiki Yggdrasil. Level 5.
- Reiki Yggdrasil - Books & Articles.
- Runic Reiki Practical Exercises & Examples
- Article. Sex. To open the flow of life.
- Article. The Power of Death. Do you choose Life or Death?
- Knights Orders & Mystic Christianity
- Article. What is your inner child silent about?
- Article. Tantra Flow & Dionysian Mysteries
- Article. What is your body talking about? Work with symptoms. Tantric body.
- PART 1. Preface. The Heritage of Atlantida.
- PART 2. The Principles of Evolution
- PART 3. Ancient and modern magicians
- PART 4. Ancient evolution schemes and secret schools.
- PART 5. The worild of Gods and Mages
- PART 6 - Heritage. The history of Civilization.
- PART 7. The Magic Empires
- PART 8. Taro as the system of evolution.
- PART 9. Specializations in magic. The market of magic.
- Intro. The principles of development.
- 1.1. Ancient civilizations and technologies on the planet Earth.
- 1.2. The Lemurian Civilization
- 1.3. Mental enhancement technologes of Atlantida and ancient civilizations
- 2: The evolution of the soul
- 3.1. Extraterrestrial highly developed civilizations.
- 3.2: Causes of the destruction of powerful civilizations
- 3.3. Non-humanoid incarnations and civilizations
- 3.4. Is the Earth controlled by any highly developed civilizations?