Session 3. Yin & Yang.
Yin & Yang.
This class is about a finding your right partner - your love. Inside yourself and in world outside! We gonna connect with our feminine and masculine power.
We will be working with the stresses, traumas, that blocks us from giving (YAN) and receiving (YIN). From receiving love, sex, happiness, money, oppprtunities. Its about being in contact with your basic masculine and feminine energies.
YIN & YAN is good to explore and heal, cause they are influencing - all in our life.
What is Yin & Yang constellation.
Its about are you okey with your feminine side and masculine side?
Is there any boundaries, stresses, that blocks you from connecting it.
Do you feel connected to the energies of your father and mather. Are you connected to the masculine and faminine energies of your genus ancesters?
Do you feel the power inside your genus. Do this power flowing easily towards your descendants, goals and intentions.
What traumas postpones these energies to realize your potential.
How to get back to your roots, get connected to the genes energies and to balance masculine and feminine energies in your life.
Yin & Yang constellations opens up the most important topics for you that needs to be seen and healed at this moment.
You will acknowledge it.
And release.
Thank you for your interest in Yin & Yang constellation.
- TRIAL Dreams Alive HypnoTherapy Session Yin & Yan
- Program 1. Working with stresses and traumas *Hypno Regressions)
- Program 2. Personal Development (Emotional-Visual Therapy)
- Program 3. Soft empowering and stress-release (Dreams Alive Therapy)
- Trial - Hypno Diagnostics
- Article. Dreams Alive therapy and Family Constellations. The power of unconscious.
- Review: What is the differecne between theuropeutic programs.
- 1. Master of Runic Reiki Yggdrasil
- Runic Reiki Yggdrasil. Brief Overview
- Runic Reiki. Detailed Overview.
- Runic Reiki Yggdrasil. Level 1.
- Runic Reiki Yggdrasil. Level 2.
- Runic Reiki Yggdrasil. Level 3.
- Runic Reiki Yggdrasil. Level 4.
- Runic Reiki Yggdrasil. Level 5.
- Reiki Yggdrasil - Books & Articles.
- Runic Reiki Practical Exercises & Examples
- Article. Sex. To open the flow of life.
- Article. The Power of Death. Do you choose Life or Death?
- Knights Orders & Mystic Christianity
- Article. What is your inner child silent about?
- Article. Tantra Flow & Dionysian Mysteries
- Article. What is your body talking about? Work with symptoms. Tantric body.
- PART 1. Preface. The Heritage of Atlantida.
- PART 2. The Principles of Evolution
- PART 3. Ancient and modern magicians
- PART 4. Ancient evolution schemes and secret schools.
- PART 5. The worild of Gods and Mages
- PART 6 - Heritage. The history of Civilization.
- PART 7. The Magic Empires
- PART 8. Taro as the system of evolution.
- PART 9. Specializations in magic. The market of magic.
- Intro. The principles of development.
- 1.1. Ancient civilizations and technologies on the planet Earth.
- 1.2. The Lemurian Civilization
- 1.3. Mental enhancement technologes of Atlantida and ancient civilizations
- 2: The evolution of the soul
- 3.1. Extraterrestrial highly developed civilizations.
- 3.2: Causes of the destruction of powerful civilizations
- 3.3. Non-humanoid incarnations and civilizations
- 3.4. Is the Earth controlled by any highly developed civilizations?