Article. What is your body talking about? Work with symptoms. Tantric body.
What is your body talking about? Work with symptoms. Tantric body.
Tantra begins with self-love.
Allow all fears and doubts to float away.
How comfortable are you with your body?
Are there any organs or pieces of the body that are forgotten? Which are not accepted or condemned?
How does your body feel? How are you feeling?
The basis of tantra is acceptance. The acceptance of every small molecule of your body, self-love.
I propose to work through system modeling with the body. What is the body silent about? What is the body yelling about? Work with symptoms, remove constrictions, other people's opinions and thought forms.
The body does not have to be right. The body must be happy and alive.
Add yourself a little happiness!
О чем говорит твое тело? Работа с симптомами.
Тантрическое тело.
Тантра начинается с любви к себе.
Разрешите всем страхам и сомнениям уплыть.
На сколько вам комфортно со своим телом?
Есть ли органы или кусочки тела, которые позабыты? Которые не приняты или осуждены?
Как себя чувствует ваше тело? Как себя чувствуете вы?
Основа тантры - это принятие. Принятие каждой малекулы вашего тела, любви к себе.
Предлагаю поработать через системное моделирование с телом. О чем молчит тело? О чем кричит тело? Поработать с симптомами, поубирать зажатости, чужие мнения и мыслеформы.
Тело не должно быть правильным. Тело должно быть счастливым и живым.
Добавьте себе немного счастья!
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- Article. What is your body talking about? Work with symptoms. Tantric body.
- PART 1. Preface. The Heritage of Atlantida.
- PART 2. The Principles of Evolution
- PART 3. Ancient and modern magicians
- PART 4. Ancient evolution schemes and secret schools.
- PART 5. The worild of Gods and Mages
- PART 6 - Heritage. The history of Civilization.
- PART 7. The Magic Empires
- PART 8. Taro as the system of evolution.
- PART 9. Specializations in magic. The market of magic.
- Intro. The principles of development.
- 1.1. Ancient civilizations and technologies on the planet Earth.
- 1.2. The Lemurian Civilization
- 1.3. Mental enhancement technologes of Atlantida and ancient civilizations
- 2: The evolution of the soul
- 3.1. Extraterrestrial highly developed civilizations.
- 3.2: Causes of the destruction of powerful civilizations
- 3.3. Non-humanoid incarnations and civilizations
- 3.4. Is the Earth controlled by any highly developed civilizations?