1. Temple Rituals - SelfCoaching & Goals activation.
This is the outstanding program to achieve greater results
The goals-oriented coaching Marathon includes
- 5 days of professional support from the Professionals in Coaching & Temple Therapy
- 5-days temple energy work with the archetypes of Planets and Ancient Gods to activate you unconscious potential, burst more ideas and energy for more achievements
- One personal session of consulting and investigating your goal through system constellations.
- Artifacts and amulets charging to keep you focused.
COSTS (Investment):
- Group Work (4-7person): 250 usd (5 group sessions+personal session free)
- Personal Sessions: 450 usd (6 personal sessions)
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- PART 5. The worild of Gods and Mages
- PART 6 - Heritage. The history of Civilization.
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- PART 8. Taro as the system of evolution.
- PART 9. Specializations in magic. The market of magic.
- Intro. The principles of development.
- 1.1. Ancient civilizations and technologies on the planet Earth.
- 1.2. The Lemurian Civilization
- 1.3. Mental enhancement technologes of Atlantida and ancient civilizations
- 2: The evolution of the soul
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