Program 2. Constellations of Love.
Tantric Constellations Program.
Looking in the eyes of your partner might be desirable and scary.
Looking in his/ her eyes reveals the stories, past traumas.
Its like a time-machine!
You jump into the stresses and traumas of your inner kid.
1) Traumas of birth - of being accepted.
2) Traumas of 1st year - being able to receive, trust.
3) Traumas of 2d year - being able to be yourself, to have your desires etc.
With these traumas I am working through body psychotherapy sessions, hypnotherapy and family constellations.
If you wanna check, how spiritually mature are you - just look in the eyes of the person in front of you for 5 minutes and check what emotions you have.
What is the Inner Kid?
Usually, it's the part of your soul that was neglected.
His voice are showing vast desires and traumas need to be noticed, acknowledged and healed.
To get back the lost parts of you, of your soul - thats what the healing is about: hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, family constellations.
Family constellations allows you to see through other people the hidden parts of your soul. Your hidden desires and traumas that wanna be seen.
Through tantric constellations we help your soul be seen, be welcomed and be cared.
Program description.
Lets explore the labirinth of your soul. We could find there your own Minotaur. We will feed him and make him your friend.
The topics for the first module of Tantric constellations.
Session 1. Eros in your life. 3 levels of desires.
Are you connected with Eros? Is there any part of you that are afraid and neglacting it? Are there hidden desires? What has happened in the past? Lets discover and heal the past traumas.
Are there any fobias, fears and limitations to live freely your sexual life. To enjoy it. To feel the power of Life inside you. And being able to share it with the people around. Let your sexual energy calmly increase to maximize your own potentials.
Are you ready to receive? Is your heart open to be loved? Are you ready to accept love and sympathy? You are not running away from adventures of the new day? Can you allow all the beauties of the life happens to you? Are you ready to fulfill, realize your masculine power? Are you in contact with the energies of creation? Are these energies flowing freely through you to realize what do you want.
Feminine and Masculine.
Do you feel the powers of your feminine and masculine side. Can you feel your beaty and enjoy yourself? Could you enjoy being sensitive and receiptive? Can you feel abilities to get anything you need in life? Do you feel the power to create the life you are dreaming about? Are there any blocks and limitations to be yourself? Lets check it and heal it.
Are you ready to love? Are you expecting to get rejection or love?
Your unconscious expectations are forming reality. Lets explore it and heal.
Session 5. Freedom and Connection
What are you really looking for? Love or Freedom? Some people are looking for love but runs away as soon as it gets possible, prefering freedom. Why freedom is so important? What you are afraid to loose?
Are you ready to change? You are ready to give birth to your new life? Is there still something you need to say bye to open up your true potential? To open up the True You. Its the deep program of personal development.
Session 7. Angels and Daemon. The Path in Shadows.
What is the something you are hiding and neglecting? Are you in touch with your Angels? Are they assisting Can you use the power of your hidden desires and your higher self?