Program 1. Tantra Reiki.

TANTRA REIKI from OSHO. Research.

I will offer you a description of the 9 steps of the TR system, which we recently conducted a study with the Masters.

Each step of the TR system deepens into the Cosmic Flow of Creativity and Love.

Tantra Reiki is not just a system of pleasant energy - it is a profound system of transformation that has not existed to date.

This system is based on the Vedic trinity philosophy: Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma.

- Level 1 Tantra Reiki (TR).
The whole world around you becomes tasty and fluid in these energies, and a pleasant wave of pleasure begins to murmur through your body.

You open the source of the healing energy of Life, which gently cleanses and awakens inner strength.

Gentle ecstatic pleasure is transmitted throughout the body and begins to awaken feelings and emotions.

- Level 2 Tantra Reiki.

Here we awaken the Heat of Life. Passion. Your energy begins to flare up with fire, filling with itself all possible space around, burning fears, stupors and restrictions.

The energy of life not only enters you - you are the energy of life and flourish in its fullness.

- Tantra Reiki Level 3.

In the 3rd step, space begins to melt. You begin to feel connected to the whole world around you.

You are no longer a fish in the ocean - but already there is this Ocean.

This is an amazing state when in the flow of tantra-reiki, you not only redistribute the energies inside but also play with the energies of the entire space.

- Level 4 Tantra Reiki.

In the 4th step, you begin to feel the Vertical. Not only the current world but also the worlds above it, the Worlds of the Gods.

The energy flows from the Divine Plans, absorbing the qualities of the Gods of Love.

In this flow, you connect with the Great Forces of the world, and your tantric dance, your life receives additional support.

Your dance of life becomes refined, conscious, and filigree.

- Level 5 Tantra Reiki.

In Stage 5, you unlock the Source of Power from within.

This is not a stream in which you bathe. It is a Stream where you bathe the Universe, radiating from within.

This inner Light knows no barriers and limits.
It can flare up, illuminating all facets of reality.

We learn to reveal the infinite inner light.

- Level 6 Tantra Reiki.

At Stage 6, we enter the state of Eternity.
The world freezes, and you are transported infinitely upwards into the zone of universal unity.
The stream takes you to the worlds of Eternal Bliss.

- 7 Level Tantra Reiki.

In the 7th step, consciousness is flooded with light.
An additional high-frequency pumping of consciousness is turned on. The level of awareness rises.

Already the focus of your attention is enough to start the process of harmony and purification.

- Level 8 Tantra Reiki

The Impulse of creativity is turned on at the level of the upper centers.
You not only harmonize the worlds but also create them with your attention.

- 9th Level Tantra Reiki

On the 9th step, an extraordinary fullness is experienced. You combine different layers of reality in yourself.
And in this unification balance and harmony begin to appear.

The last 3 steps resemble the states of the Gods: Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu.

Level 7-9 is similar to level 4-6 but at a higher level.

- a system that shakes the sensitivity and gives the energy of vitality, and sexuality.

Tantra-reiki removes blockages in communication and gives a feeling of greater fullness and joy in life.

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TANTRA REIKI. The main settings

1 step.

Tantra - Activate sexual energy (enhanced production of sexual energy, increased sensations, harmonious treatment of the body and mind)
Tantra - Attractiveness (charisma qualities increase, people reach out, pay attention, negative messages from the side are canceled)
Tantra - Management of the situation (the best option for the development and solution of the situation)

2 step.

Tantra - The accumulation of energy (strengthening health and the accumulation of internal forces)
Tantra - Money magnet (a powerful spell to attract money, tune in wealth)
Tantra - Remove complexes (ruthless annihilation of internal psycho-blocks)

3 step.

Tantra - Attunement (attunement of a person with another person or group of people, exchange of sexual energy, improving relationships)
Tantra - Luck (acceleration of time, increased intuition, the best outcome of events)
Tantra - Talisman (creation of talismans and amulets)

4 step.

Tantra - Astral child (creation of an egregore of a couple, an egregore of a couple monitors the development and well-being of the family)
Tantra - Gods of love (inclusion in the signal of the system (gods) in a territory of approximately a radius of 60 km in a given area)
Tantra - Enlightenment (inclusion in the Genius of the Earth, egregor of Magic, expansion of consciousness)

5 level
- Inner Light (Activation of internal energy, creativity, the opening of energy centers)

6 level
- Worlds of Unity (Calming, cleansing at a deep level, support, nourishment, stabilization, balance, spiritual unity)

7 level
- Illumination (Increasing the power of consciousness, cleaning the mind and energizing)

8 level
- Creation of the World (Creation of any event, impulse of creativity, impulse of creation, 1ba)

9 level
- Fullness of Unity (Inner harmony, strength, fullness, balance)

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OSHO is believed to be the author of Tantra Reiki.

The term tantra means expansion or liberation. By “liberation” is meant the full realization of the potential inherent in a person. It is a prerequisite for a healthy and successful life.

Tantra is a spiritual science clearing the person of deep-rooted complexes, correcting behavior, and reviving a person psychologically and physiologically.

Whatever aspect of tantric technology we cover, the principle remains the same: "love one another!"

Tantra does not say what light is. Tantra affects a person, changing him so that he can see.

Tantra Reiki is the sacred energy of love. It is pure light. It is a vivid sensation. This stream increases a person’s energy by a hundred times, making us cleaner, more harmonious, and more manifested in society, removes psycho-blocks within ourselves and others, cleanses us of negative attachments, and makes us harmonious and healthy.

Sexual sensations are updated and become brighter. Using this energy, we become a magnet for others, attracting the right people and situations. Working with the flow, it is already impossible to return to the previous state of self-doubt, weakness, inability to enjoy, and inability to attract people.

Tantra - sex, love, and spirituality. This is a surprisingly bright and full living of every fragment of the endless mosaic of life. It is impossible to learn this in a few days. But this is not necessary. Because life itself is the greatest teacher, and Tantra is only a way to realize its lessons.

Tantra Reiki attunes to the egregor of Tantra, based on the basic energy of the Earth for all people. Reiki can balance energy and improve health and financial situation.

Working with this type of Reiki does not cause exacerbations in treatment. With the help of Tantra Reiki, you can attract a partner if he is not yet. If the relationship already exists, then Tantra Reiki helps to find greater mutual understanding, give joy, and renew and improve sexual feelings.

With the help of Tantra Reiki, you can influence other people's situations, making them more harmonious.

The practice of Tantra Reiki does not need special conditions and certain poses. They are harmoniously woven into everyday activities.

Practicing Tantra Reiki allows you to:
- balance and clean energy
- become more harmonious
- to be more manifested in society
- remove psycho-blocks in the opposite sex
- relax, become sexier
- become more attractive to the opposite sex
- harmonize existing relationships, make them softer, more joyful, or attract new ones
- update sexual feelings and make them brighter.

What can you learn?

In the first half of the course, you will harmonize your personality. Then on this pure basis, you will develop your sexual energy, which you can use in interpersonal relationships, careers, hobbies, hobbies, and anything else. You develop your PRIMARY internal energy, and not some external sources.

Training consists of:
- independent practice
- pair work
- collective meditations.

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After several classes in the Tantra Reiki school, you will be able to:
✔ Awaken internal energy sources for the realization of these forces in any activity (tantra, society, work, personal development)
✔ harmonize relationships
✔ meditation on the soulmate, and if it is not there, then find
✔ master multiple orgasmic practices
✔ work in detail with the etheric body and the svadhista chakra
✔ cleanse, activate and increase the flow of your chakras
✔ increase and increase your sensitivity to energies and space
✔ engage in the treatment and prevention of the genitourinary system, as well as everything related to it
✔ perform breathing energy techniques to harmonize and gain strength
✔ align people, do a harmless love spell
✔ remove the curses of loneliness
✔ meditate with your love partner (18+)
✔ work with emotions and psychoblocks
✔ you will practice meditation on cultivating inner light and goodness
✔ work with hara, lower tantian (energy storage) to increase energy
✔ cleanse subtle bodies and attachments from former sexual partners, as well as outflows of energy due to other people
✔ succeed in society by increasing the qualities of femininity/masculinity
✔ transform sex into spirituality
✔ work with ancient Vedic deities
Leave a preliminary application for participation in the online course.

Who is the presenter?

Moderator - Litvinov Andrii

Master of Tanta Reiki
Master Teacher of Kundalini Reiki
Master Magister of Runic Reiki
Instructor of Runic Reiki
Certified teacher Reiki Yggdrasil 3rd category (official training);
Master of Sephirotic Magic;
Master of Runic Magic;
Psychologist and instructor of System Family Constellation method by Bert Hellinger.

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Tantra Reiki - the system allows you to activate and strengthen the hidden internal energy embedded in each person.

The system will clean the human energy system, remove the complexes, and return the joy, and happiness of Life.

Internal complexes that block our joy are cleared during work in the system. A person becomes more relaxed, joyful, and energetic.

Attractiveness is increasing.

You will forget about communication problems or making new acquaintances.

Improve and renew family relationships. You will become a harmonious, attractive person.

Sexual sensations will renew and become brighter.

Using this energy, you transform your consciousness, become pleasant in communication, soft, and attractive, and they begin to love and reach for you.

In system 9, the main stages of initiation.

Each step opens the channel more and more. Each step has several spell settings that allow you to detail the effect, increasing the efficiency of the work. Steps 5 through 9 enhance the channel. Stage 9 provides an opportunity to devote to other people.

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